
Do you have a question or want to get in touch?

VINCI Energies is the most versatile technical services provider with strong brands within energy transition and digital transformation. Our brands focus on sustainable relationships in infrastructure, industry, building solutions and ICT. We help our customers by deploying knowledge and technology with an eye for people, society and the environment.

We work from >74 business units spread across the Netherlands. Do you have a question or would you like to get in touch with us?

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Our locations

VINCI Energies Netherlands is located at Mountbattenweg 19, 5466 AX Veghel.

Worldwide, VINCI Energies has 1900 business units in 57 countries. In the Netherlands, our >65 business units operate from different locations spread across the Netherlands. They are autonomous. This allows them to respond quickly and flexibly to changes and opportunities in their markets. This enables them to deliver customer-oriented solutions for each individual project, from the smallest to the most complex. There is always a business unit of one of our brands near you.