About us

The most versatile technical service provider with strong brands in the energy transition and digital transformation.

Accelerator of the energy transition and the digital transformation

Our brands focus on sustainable relations in infrastructure, industry, building solutions, and ICT. We optimise our clients’ processes by using knowledge and technology, with an eye for people, society, and the environment. Our network is our strategy; by working from a network organisation with entrepreneurial business units, we act quickly and flexibly. 

In a constantly changing world, VINCI Energies in the Netherlands accelerates the environmental transition by introducing two major changes: the digital transformation and the energy transition. VINCI Energies has an eye for its markets and is an integrator of customised multitechnical solutions; it supports its clients with the use of technologies that benefit people and planet, from design to construction, and operation to maintenance. It achieves this with 74 business units throughout the Netherlands. They serve the market with a broad range of services within the four business lines: infrastructure, industry, ICT, and building solutions. Within these business lines we have specialisations and expertise labelled under the network brands Actemium, Axians, Omexom, and Building Solutions. There are also local brands that operate with specific expertise.  They give a strong boost to the energy choices of their clients, their infrastructures and their processes, in order to make them more reliable, efficient, and sustainable from day to day.

Our key figures for the Netherlands

  • 836
    million turnover
  • > 3600
  • > 74
    business units

Always advice, design, optimisation, innovation, and maintenance of processes

The business units, irrespective of their brand, provide advice, design, optimisation, innovation, and maintenance of processes. We pursue one single objective: increasing the effectiveness of our clients’ processes by continuing to optimise the effectiveness of our own organisation and by responding smoothly to current and future client needs and requirements. For example in the area of the digital transformation and energy transition.

Our passion: create value for our clients and society. We realise that we work in, for, and throughout society. We take this into account in our corporate values and by integrating corporate social responsibility. It is reflected in the work of the VINCI Foundation and in the way we organise and work, which puts people, the human dimension, and safety front and centre.

Providing solutions close to the client, now and in the future

Our specialists serve the market from autonomous business units that are located close to our clients. We give our employees a large amount of responsibility and offer them plenty of entrepreneurial freedom. We facilitate their development, for which they are responsible themselves. With our flexible network of business units, they are always able to provide the client with solutions, irrespective of the size or complexity of a project. Now and in the future.

Looking back at 2023 with Tom Greeve and Jos van Uden

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ESG – we are ready!

‘Through ESG KPIs, we can improve the quality of sustainable chains and create more long-term value’ by Eus de Haas

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